Which is the need of use and typology of containers soterrados?

¿Cuál es la necesidad de uso y tipología de contenedores soterrados?
The city councils approve the installation and the maintenance of containers soterrados the management of waste in streets and urban spaces by several reasons:
  • Aesthetic improvement: The containers soterrados integrate better in the urban surroundings, since they are designed to be less intrusivos visualmente that the traditional containers.
  • Reduction of smells and plagues: When being buried under earth, the containers soterrados help to reduce the unpleasant smells associated to the waste and warn the proliferation of plagues like rats and seagulls.
  • Main capacity of storage: The containers soterrados have a capacity of main storage that the conventional containers, what allows to collect more quantity of waste without need of vaciarlos with so much frequency.
  • Reduction of the visual contamination: When hiding the waste under earth, reduces the quantity of visible rubbish in the streets, what can contribute to a feeling of cleansing and order of the urban surroundings.
  • Security: When being buried, the containers soterrados are surer and less liable to be vandalizados or used wrongly.
The use of the containers soterrados offers a series of profits so much aesthetic like practical, thus the city councils consider them an attractive option for the management of waste in urban areas.

The containers soterrados more common are the ones of lateral load and rear load, as well as the ones of double hook, work of similar way in his basic principle, but have some differences regarding how accesses to them and how vacían.
  • Containers soterrados of lateral load:
These containers are entirely buried under earth, leaving only the visible top in the surface; the mailbox.
Have a mailbox in the top that raises to allow the access and the deposition of waste. It covers it of the mailbox can open manually or by means of a hydraulic opening system.
The users deposit the waste in the interior of the container through the mailbox situated in the top.
When the container is full, uses a truck recolector special instrumented with a mechanical arm to remove the container.
This process makes without the need that the workers go in in direct contact with the waste, what improves the hygiene and the security.
  • Containers soterrados of rear load:
They work of similar way to the ones of lateral load, but in place to have an aperture in the side, these elevate to the height of the footpath and the containers are removed manually until the truck.
The users deposit the waste through a mailbox, as in the ones of lateral load.
The process of recolección and casting is similar to the of the containers of lateral load, but the truck recolector plants behind the container in place of to a side.
  • Containers of double hook:
These containers have two hooks in the top that stick with a mechanical arm of the truck recolector.
The users deposit the waste through a mailbox, as in the others containers, and on of east are the hooks.
The truck approaches to the container and the low mechanical arm to stick the hooks of the container.
Once stuck, the mechanical arm raises the container and the empty in the compartment of load of the truck.
After vaciar the container, the mechanical arm goes down it again to the soil and the loose.

These containers soterrados offer efficient methods and insurances for the recolección of waste in urban areas, minimising the exposure of the workers and improving the aesthetics of the streets. Being these types and models of containers the most common in urban zones of Spain, but the specific election can vary according to the local politics, the needs of management of waste and other factors.

And, finally, the manufacture of containers for the management of waste can is a complex process that involves a structural design, a selection of materials, some technologies of manufacture and the fulfillment of rules, all this with the aim to produce robust containers, durable and insurances that fulfil with the needs of management of waste of each community.
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